
Monday, May 26, 2014

New Package Arrival

It's been so long since my last post, I wish that I could say that it was out of laziness.  See, at least if it was out of being lazy then that could at least mean that I had still been receiving new packages all this time.  Sadly, that has not been the case. No new packages.  Just been busy with my family and the house….not that this is something to complain about.  I just wish I had more time to do everything.

Well, for now my dry spell has temporarily stopped.  This came this morning.

The sweetest name I like to see from a delivery

One of the main reasons why I always try to buy from TFSource….their "bullet-proof" packaging.  I have never had an item damaged in delivery from them.

4 items came with this delivery.

I was going to shoot them but I started to do this at night time and the lighting wasn't right so you're going to have to wait.

Pics to come shortly.


  1. lol, nice one, i had a couple packages show today. a couple more should show this week too

  2. Multiple deliveries in one week !?!?! Man, am I jealous! Those were the good old days for me…unfortunately, I ended up spending faster than I could pay back.

    Actually, one of my main issues is that I'm surfing eBay and not seeing anything that really catches my eye. Sure, there are a lot of "it would be nice to have" figures, but nothing that really blows my socks off….and that is at a reasonable price as well.

    I think I'm need of something to get my TF blood flowing again.

    It doesn't help that all the new TF's coming out that I like are all Masterpieces and can easily be obtained from TFSource without any challenge.

