I was over at my friend "M's" house today and he brought me to his office to show off what he had on his shelves at the moment. You will have to excuse the quality of the photography as since this was impromptu I had to use my phone. He is still in the process of looking for some locking glass display cabinets so he only has the one shelf for now…but what he has on it is still pretty sweet.
I normally like to include as much relevant info as I can when I do my posts, but there are
just too many different figures in this post for me to finish this in any kind of reasonable time.
So for this post I will just let the pics speak for themselves.
Starting from the top down.
BACK ROW: Canadian G1 Megatron, Canadian G1 Optimus Prime FRONT ROW : G1 Megatron, G1 Sharkticon, G1 Tracks, G2 Optimus Prime, Go-Bot Bug Bite, G1 Ravage, G1 Ramhorn, KO Diaclone Rumble |
G1 Sharkticon |
G2 Optimus Prime |
He already has a MISB Optimus but he wanted a loose one for display.
Canadian G1 Optimus Prime, Bug-Bite, G1 Ravage, G1 Ramhorn, KO Diaclone Rumble |
G1 Ramhorn, KO Diaclone Rumble |
"M" actually brought to my attention that a seller has two of these KO's right now for sale but I'm going to pass for the time being and take a little break from buying KO's.
G1 Ravage |
G1 Tracks, G2 Optimus Prime, G1 Canadian Optimus Prime |
G1 Megatron (loose), Boxed G1 Canadian Megatron |
KO Devastator, KO Browning, Cassette Man |
KO Browning |
I've done two previous reviews on different KO Brownings;
These individual figures look to be exactly the same as these ones I have :
Autobot Grapple, Red Alert, Mini KO Fort Max, Red Cross Variant Ratchet, G1 Tantrum, Silverstreak |
Here's a piece I did on this
Red Cross Variant Ratchet.
Canadian G1 Ironhide, Prehistory Animal, Autobot Prowl |
Thanks to my friend "M" for letting me show his pieces on display!
Your friend has a very nice collection! There are some great pieces there!