Here's another addition from "M's" impromptu photo shoot; MC-20 Micro Scope.
Original asking price: $265
Accepted offer : $205
The Micro Change series was one of the two major sources of molds for the original Transformers line.
Most fans use the term pre-Transformers as an umbrella term for the Diaclone and Micro Change toylines, as well as for the original, non-Transformers-branded versions of such toys as Jetfire (see this excellent post here by Maz for some stunning examples of this) and the Mini-spies.
Released in a primarily black deco, MC-20 was recolored into Perceptor for the
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
G1 Springer Canadian Movie Box (complete with Metal Chest Version)
So here comes another addition to my blog from an impromptu photo shoot. I was visiting my friend "M" on our usual Friday Transformer get-together show and tell, and I was bringing over my G1 Micromasters Greasepit and Airwave since he hadn't seen them yet. He had a few purchases arrive since our last visit but had not told me what because he wanted to surprise me.
This was the first beauty he brought out…..G1 Springer Canadian Movie Box w/ Metal Chest Version.
Now there is a little bit of backstory to this purchase and on the "wrong" figure inside but I will get to that shortly.
This was the first beauty he brought out…..G1 Springer Canadian Movie Box w/ Metal Chest Version.
Complete & MIB |
Friday, December 13, 2013
Gobots Puzzler
I've decided to take a small posting break from the Transformers line to give some love to the much maligned Gobots figures......more specifically the Puzzler set. As a toy line, people either "love 'em or hate 'em", but I think this particular set is a great combination of detail and ingenuity.
I picked these figures up early this year for $80 from the Burlington Toy Show after talking the dealer down from $100. It was a rather uneventful show comprised of all sorts of toys
I picked these figures up early this year for $80 from the Burlington Toy Show after talking the dealer down from $100. It was a rather uneventful show comprised of all sorts of toys
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Robotic Radio TS-558 MIB
Here's another addition of an item that I picked up earlier this year from a local dealer for $55. It was actually listed on eBay, but negotiating a local pickup made the price just right.
First off, it is clear to see the resemblance of this radio compared to Blaster. I have to
AM Robotic Radio TS-558 boxart |
First off, it is clear to see the resemblance of this radio compared to Blaster. I have to
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
G1 Micromaster Greasepit & Airwave (MISB)
I blame my friend "M" for getting me interested in these little guys. Recently, he picked up 10-15 loose individual figures which he showed to me a few weeks ago. I never really had much interest in collecting the Micromasters before so I'm not sure what really caused the change of heart.
Maybe the attraction was that they were loose so I really could get a good look at them. Most of my collection tends to be boxed and sealed so I don't enjoy it as much as I could, so
Maybe the attraction was that they were loose so I really could get a good look at them. Most of my collection tends to be boxed and sealed so I don't enjoy it as much as I could, so
Monday, December 2, 2013
Bruticus Scramble City Encore 16
I guess I could have included this in one of my earlier posts, "Call Me Ruination or Baldigus..." since it is essentially the same mold, but it took my friend "M" reminding me that I even had this encore set since it's been sitting in my closet for so long.
This is one of the two very first Transformer toys that I have ever purchased at a Convention. This goes back to 2011and my TF collecting buddy "M" and I went
This is one of the two very first Transformer toys that I have ever purchased at a Convention. This goes back to 2011and my TF collecting buddy "M" and I went
Friday, November 29, 2013
What's On Your Transformer Shelf?
I was over at my friend "M's" house today and he brought me to his office to show off what he had on his shelves at the moment. You will have to excuse the quality of the photography as since this was impromptu I had to use my phone. He is still in the process of looking for some locking glass display cabinets so he only has the one shelf for now…but what he has on it is still pretty sweet.
I normally like to include as much relevant info as I can when I do my posts, but there are
I normally like to include as much relevant info as I can when I do my posts, but there are
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Call Me Ruination or Baldigus…Just Don't Call Me Late To The Fight!
This is all started with a name…..Ruination. Hook, line and sinker. They had me. Okay, so it is basically Bruticus but that doesn't matter to me. Anything with a name like that I had to have! Before you think that's a weird way to buy something, take some time to consider how we as a society have been conditioned to buy products based on looks, names, or colours alone and then it starts to make some sense.
Just a completely sexy looking box! It has everything that I love the most when looking at packages:
Gorgeous animated artwork on one side of the box BOTTOM RIGHT BIG LETTERS : Japanese Baldigus (バルディガス Barudigasu) |
- I prefer figures that come in boxes
- I don't understand any of the writing on it (it just tends to lend a little bit of mystery and fascination to the piece)
- Fantastic artwork,
- It's from Japan thus making it a rarer piece for us living in North America.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Continuum - An IDW Transformers Reading
For us who have already started, and for those who have not yet opened themselves to the fantastic new world of the IDW Transformers comics, I post this as a consideration on how to relive again, or start anew your love and appreciation for some old and new found characters. (Thank you Maz for your inspiring post on the "Power of Fiction").
I've been a comic reader for as long as I can remember., mind you within that span of time, my interests have waned in and out. I can't remember how or what made me initially pick
Monday, November 18, 2013
G2 Megatron (MISB)
So as you can see from my previous post, something arrived in the mail on Friday…..and this was it. (Heroic Decepticon, not surprisingly, picked out what it was).
I've been looking for quite some time trying to find one in as good a condition this, and at a reasonable price of course.
Final price eBay.....$144. Unfortunately, as I mentioned in my pre-post, this particular
I've been looking for quite some time trying to find one in as good a condition this, and at a reasonable price of course.
Final price eBay.....$144. Unfortunately, as I mentioned in my pre-post, this particular
Friday, November 15, 2013
New Package Arrival
This big box just arrived today. I was really angry when I first saw it; first off, it was just sitting outside my front door. I don't know how many times this has happened to me, and even moreso to my friend "M". I'm glad I don't live in a bad area, but nonetheless, it wouldn't take much for someone just to be driving around to stop and take it.
Someone played soccer with it.
This is just ridiculous!
My second complaint is that I don't know who to blame this on. Was this a result of the
Someone played soccer with it.
My second complaint is that I don't know who to blame this on. Was this a result of the
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Robot Coffee Points VIII
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Diaclone K.O. Constructicons - Devastator Part 4
These three guys were part of a lot purchase I did on eBay back in 2012. Though they may not be legit versions, as a knock off they did a good job, and so I'm going to throw them in as a continuation of my Devy postings.
Here's a list of what was included in that lot:
Friday, November 8, 2013
G2 Yellow MOSC Constructicons - Devastator Part 3
So in my third instalment of my Devy collection here are the only pieces I have, for now, of the G2 Yellow Constructicons that I purchased back in early 2012.
Unfortunately, I paid no where near the steal prices that I did for my G2 Orange MOSC
Unfortunately, I paid no where near the steal prices that I did for my G2 Orange MOSC
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
G2 UK Constructicons Grey Parts - Devastator Part 2
In continuation of my Devastator theme, here's another set that I picked up earlier this year.
$14 each + $2 shipping....all in all, I would say a good price .
These European-exclusive versions of the Constructicons are yellow, but with the darker purple from the original toy instead of the lighter Generation 2 shade, with a few
$14 each + $2 shipping....all in all, I would say a good price .
These European-exclusive versions of the Constructicons are yellow, but with the darker purple from the original toy instead of the lighter Generation 2 shade, with a few
Friday, November 1, 2013
G2 Orange MOSC Constructicons - Devastator Part 1
I was lucky enough to stumble across this listing for a complete lot of 6 MOSC G2 Orange Constructicons along with its 5 Crazy Devys Most Wanted add ons back in 2012 from eBay. I can't remember exactly, but I do remember talking him down in price as well.
An awesome and terrifying combination of all six Constructicons; Scrapper, Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Hook, Long Haul, and Mixmaster, Devastator is purely brutal and his main
An awesome and terrifying combination of all six Constructicons; Scrapper, Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Hook, Long Haul, and Mixmaster, Devastator is purely brutal and his main
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Transformers Collection #0 Convoy (Optimus Prime)
Finally pulled the trigger and found this guy from a local dealer....and at a reasonable price; $185 all in.
Convoy (2003)
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Just bring it ! |
- Japanese ID Number: 0
- Accessories: Laser Blaster, 2 fists (left & right), trailer/Combat Deck, Roller (dark blue), 4 rockets, hose, nozzle, fuel pump, energon axe
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Recent Acquisitions - MISB Transformers Collections #0 Optimus Prime and #3 Skids
I picked these two guys up today. $185 for Prime; $31 for Skids. Seems like a lot but this damn Optimus isn't cheap. I've seen it going for anywhere between $200-$300. I'll get into this later when I do a in-depth review on him but that's getting close to G1 boxed prices!
The box on top is the binder that comes with Optimus so that you can cut out the hole-punched books that comes with each Transformers Collection figure and put them all into one binder. (I don't know why anyone would want to do that though).
Anyway, I just wanted to get these up so stay tuned for an in-depth review shortly.

Anyway, I just wanted to get these up so stay tuned for an in-depth review shortly.
Robot Coffee Points VII
Monday, October 21, 2013
My Thoughts on Collecting.......
I search eBay.
I buy. Package
arrives. I store it away.
I read and hear about a new MP. I go to and I buy. Package arrives. I store it away.
I go to a convention and see a TF. I
buy it. I store it away.
See a pattern here?
This has pretty much been the story since 2011 when I got
back into collecting Transformers.
I know some collectors out
there will take one of two sides to this; either
Friday, October 18, 2013
Local TRU Shelves
So today was my last day to go in and get my 25% discount off of my Sandstorm since I had bought it 13 days ago. Wasn't expecting much but I finally saw some new things at my local Toys R Us. Here's the first thing that I saw and it wasn't even near the TF section. It was sitting by itself right beside the Returns Counter. Really weird.
It's a really shame that I'm not more into this figure otherwise I would have bought it a long
It's a really shame that I'm not more into this figure otherwise I would have bought it a long
Robot Coffee Points VI
Thursday, October 17, 2013
C-310E e-Hobby Exclusive Fire Guts GodGinrai
Have you ever bought a toy just for the name alone?
Well...this guy here did back in 2012 from a local dealer in Toronto for $300 MISB. Is it pricey? Yes, but it has so much to offer as a toy that I think it's well worth it. Recent searches on eBay have pulled up sold MIB ones for $300, and the latest one for sale MISB is going for $400. Ideally, I think if you can grab this for a steal between $250 - $300 MISB then you are doing good.
So here he is.....
So it was sometime back in 2012, slightly over a year since I got back into Transformers collecting, and I believe that I was just goofing around on Kijiji when I came across a
Well...this guy here did back in 2012 from a local dealer in Toronto for $300 MISB. Is it pricey? Yes, but it has so much to offer as a toy that I think it's well worth it. Recent searches on eBay have pulled up sold MIB ones for $300, and the latest one for sale MISB is going for $400. Ideally, I think if you can grab this for a steal between $250 - $300 MISB then you are doing good.
So here he is.....
One big mutha' of a box. |
Saturday, October 12, 2013
A Consumers Distributing Memory
So it's 1:34am and I'm here at work thinking about how I need to get another post up. As cool as it might be to pull out a figure right now for a shoot, I'm not always in reach of me Transformers toys; though I have had my HeeroToys KO Bape Optimus in the back of my car for a few weeks now.
This is when I remembered my conversation with my friend "M" earlier today regarding him
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Consumers Distributing G1 Megatron |
Monday, October 7, 2013
Autobot Ratchet Red Cross Variant......and Autobot Security: Ironhide
"If you prick us do we not bleed?" - Shylock - The Merchant of Venice
"If I have no face can I not still smile?" - Angry Canadian Decepticon
You'll get the reference for this later in this article.
This ending up being a rather impromptu photo shoot that happened to take place when I visited my friend "M" last Friday to drop off his half of the Red & Blue Browning KOs that we had ordered together.
"If I have no face can I not still smile?" - Angry Canadian Decepticon
You'll get the reference for this later in this article.
This ending up being a rather impromptu photo shoot that happened to take place when I visited my friend "M" last Friday to drop off his half of the Red & Blue Browning KOs that we had ordered together.
The Autobot Security : Ironhide figure came from a purchase from a store near "M's" work for
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Browning Destron M-1910 KO (Red & Blue versions)
The Brownings are here ! The Brownings are here !
I was extremely pleased at how fast and safely Aces Toys (click HERE for a link to their page) shipped these items to me.
First before I get into the pics, here's a brief history on the Browning character:
I was extremely pleased at how fast and safely Aces Toys (click HERE for a link to their page) shipped these items to me.
Nice and safe for Mr. Browning...or should I say Brownings. |
Monday, September 30, 2013
Browning Destron M-1910 KO (Red & Blue ver.)
My Red and Blue Browning KO's have arrived! There's actually 4 of them (two of each) in this box; two for me and two for my friend "M". Here's just the tease as I had started to shoot them today but of course ran out of time due to family constraints. I hope to do the rest of the shooting tomorrow and have everything up for you guys maybe even the same day.

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Smallest WST G1 BAPE - "Convoy Reissue BAPE "
I's been almost a week now since my last real posting so I have to apologize.
You start a site like this, and everything is gung-ho from the start. I was doing good there for almost two months and then "real" life starts to take over. This was really starting to bother me because I have all these ideas but to sometimes wait till family/work time is over, I'm just plain exhausted to do a nice photo shoot, and some research, then write it up, and then proof/rewrite everything.....basically, I needed to put something up. But, it couldn't just be anything. It had to be something that is different that what you normally read from people......let me tell you, when it arrived I was really pleased.
So here it is.....a green box.
A Bathing Ape (or BAPE) is a Japanese clothing company founded by Nigo in 1993.The company specializes in all types of lifestyle and street wear.
You start a site like this, and everything is gung-ho from the start. I was doing good there for almost two months and then "real" life starts to take over. This was really starting to bother me because I have all these ideas but to sometimes wait till family/work time is over, I'm just plain exhausted to do a nice photo shoot, and some research, then write it up, and then proof/rewrite everything.....basically, I needed to put something up. But, it couldn't just be anything. It had to be something that is different that what you normally read from people......let me tell you, when it arrived I was really pleased.
So here it is.....a green box.
A gorilla in a box ? |
A Bathing Ape (or BAPE) is a Japanese clothing company founded by Nigo in 1993.The company specializes in all types of lifestyle and street wear.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Robot Coffee Points V
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Masterpiece Acid Storm
Well, here it is, Finally arrived....another, Seeker...damn, I mean Acid Storm.
I have also included the list of all the previous Seeker molds that have come before Acid Storm. to date, I only have Takara's Coronation Starscream, and Hasbro's Thundercracker and Acid Storm. We'll see how things progress if I end up getting the other ones. Anyway, enjoy the read and the pics.
MP-01 Acid Storm is a green and black redeco of the MP-11 Starscream and is sold as a Toys R Us Exclusive. His designation of "MP-01" falls in under a new Masterpiece toy line designed for the international market.
The Transformers Masterpiece is a secondary branch of the Transformers line made by Hasbro/Takara Tomy. They are recreations of specific characters, either famous or from key scenes. The MP's are significantly larger than their originals, with more detail, more complex transformation processes, and with more posability, while maintaining the integrity of their original visage.
The first Seeker mold (MP-03) released back in 2006 was of course, Starscream. He comes included with the following:
I have also included the list of all the previous Seeker molds that have come before Acid Storm. to date, I only have Takara's Coronation Starscream, and Hasbro's Thundercracker and Acid Storm. We'll see how things progress if I end up getting the other ones. Anyway, enjoy the read and the pics.
MP-01 Acid Storm is a green and black redeco of the MP-11 Starscream and is sold as a Toys R Us Exclusive. His designation of "MP-01" falls in under a new Masterpiece toy line designed for the international market.
The Transformers Masterpiece is a secondary branch of the Transformers line made by Hasbro/Takara Tomy. They are recreations of specific characters, either famous or from key scenes. The MP's are significantly larger than their originals, with more detail, more complex transformation processes, and with more posability, while maintaining the integrity of their original visage.
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A nice new packaging display |
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Robot Coffee Points IV
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Feels Like a Masterpiece of A Storm Is Coming ......Maybe An Acid Storm ?
Looks like I should be receiving Masterpiece Acid Storm sometime today. I'll keep you guys posted. I do hope that this will be the last MP made with this mold. I have watched a few reviews on it and one guy felt that there may be some degradation with it but that may just be his opinion.
I think most people that are into the MP line would love to see the coneheads and I'm sure that since they can get three figures out of it they'll pump it out somehow.
It seems that the Masterpiece figures are the new bread and butter winners for Hasbro; Transformers wise anyway.
Barring an un-forseen delivery mishaps, I will do a unboxing shoot today or tomorrow.

I think most people that are into the MP line would love to see the coneheads and I'm sure that since they can get three figures out of it they'll pump it out somehow.
It seems that the Masterpiece figures are the new bread and butter winners for Hasbro; Transformers wise anyway.
Barring an un-forseen delivery mishaps, I will do a unboxing shoot today or tomorrow.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Variables Pistol To Robot - aka Browning KO
I thought that this would be a excellent time for me to do a little review on this piece since my friend "M" and I should be receiving our blue and red Browning KO's in the mail shortly....providing there is no production issues. Here's the link for that posting.
This is a little piece that was part of a KO lot that I had purchased off of eBay back in 2012. Total cost of the whole lot equally divided, I basically paid $25 for this figure with $4 shipping.
Here's a list of what was included in that lot:
This is a little piece that was part of a KO lot that I had purchased off of eBay back in 2012. Total cost of the whole lot equally divided, I basically paid $25 for this figure with $4 shipping.
Ah...the good old days when you could buy your kid a gun from the store. |
Here's a list of what was included in that lot:
G1 Predaking / Reissue Predaking / Mini KO Predaking
So......what are we going to talk about today......
I popped over to my friend's "M's" house on Friday and while he was showing me his TF shelf, he commented on how he was going to have to reorganize some things and put this or that away, so I figured this would be as good a time as any to take some quick pictures of some of his Predacons (yes, these are not all of them either).
So here is the overall display of what he had out.
I popped over to my friend's "M's" house on Friday and while he was showing me his TF shelf, he commented on how he was going to have to reorganize some things and put this or that away, so I figured this would be as good a time as any to take some quick pictures of some of his Predacons (yes, these are not all of them either).
So here is the overall display of what he had out.
BACK L-R : G1 boxed Razorclaw, Rampage & Tantrum, G1 Predaking, G1 boxed Headstrong & Divebomb FRONT L-R : Mini KO Razorclaw & reissue Razorclaw, reissue Tantrum & Divebomb, Mini KO Rampage, reissue Rampage |
Friday, September 13, 2013
Monstrosity Issue #2
Thursday, September 12, 2013
TRU Shelves
I'm not sure what to say about these shelves so maybe I'll let the pics speak for themselves. Hold on tight for this shit show of pics....
First off, here's the same shit that I see as soon as I walk down the aisle. I always look at the bottom first since that's where they usually put the bigger boxes and the only good thing
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Monstrosity Issue #1
It had been quite some time since I had read any comics....we're talking the span of years here. And this is such a shame to me because other than movies, I don't believe that there is another form of entertainment that combine both the visual and literal art forms together without really any limitations.
Up until recently, I had been pretty focused with my comics sticking mainly to the likes of Wolverine,
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Even injured and missing a fusion canon wouldn't convince me to mess with Megs. |
Kabaya Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber & Road Fire
I picked this three box set up earlier this year from my dealer friend "E" for $20.
These are part of the Transformers candy toy series produced by the Japanese confectionary company Kabaya. Each individual toy is basically a snap together model kit with a sheet of stickers for detailing.
Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber & Road Fire |
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